Ahh I see where you are going Mike.

The catch is, most of the time these attacks are not fully automated,
they are typically done manually. That is to say, some dude somewhere
found your form and the coded a bot specifically for it. They
typically mimic the form using some other application and are not
actually using a browser and are not actually surfing your site. They
simply POST their data to your action page and bypass the form page
altogether (assuming they are not the same page).

In cases like this you can't stop them from finding the page, they
already know where it is. To get them to stop, you need to show them
they are wasting their time.

Change your form notably, rename the page and add some of the hidden
form checking I mentioned earlier (hidden field w UUID and a matching
session variable) then throw a big ugly error when it fails, like fake
a 404 error, this will tell the bot bums that your form is a waste of
their efforts and they will stop.

Alan Rother
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Manager, Phoenix Cold Fusion User Group, AZCFUG.org

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