Thanks for the great input and the SA pointer.  And as you imply in reality 
things are easier said than done.  Also, some times one may opt for more 
relevant results than more accurate results while others may differ... or it 
depends on context etc. etc.

P.S. I remember you, hope you're doing well.
>> > 
>Scientific American has a great article this month about how the Semantic
>Web could direct searches in just that kind of way.  You can buy the issue
>online here:
>The example they use is "Search for Sitcoms set in New York City" and
>explode that out to three clauses.  "Sitcoms" get matched "Television Show",
>"TV" and many other things.  "Set in" equates to "Takes place in",
>"located", etc and "New York City" is an amalgamation of neighborhoods,
>nicknames and the like.
>It's easy to over-simplify and damn the concept but it truly is interesting.
>However it does reinforce a fundamental concept: truly useful searching
>results from cooperation between the search engine and the content owners.
>Content scanners like we have today (Google, Verity, etc) work wonders but
>are always going to be hamstrung by the lack of contextual,
>machine-understandable information.
>Of course users also need to be involved.  As you've inferred nearly any
>search which lacks a domain context has the potential to be poor.
>Jim Davis 

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