On Dec 19, 2007 7:21 PM, Matthew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But wait!  Adobe just released updater 7 for JRun 4.  It's supposed to have 
> vastly improved on the clustering interfacing by reducing a bunch of the 
> overhead.  I'm slated to test this on my shared servers for this coming year.

Ah, I haven't seen the release notes for that yet...

As Dave says tho', JRun is a mid-range J2EE server but the question
(for Brad) is what do you really need in a J2EE server that you're
willing to pay, say, $10k per CPU for one?

Whilst JRun's session replication may have its flaws, I contend that
the vast majority of sites don't need anything more sophisticated. CF
itself runs in a Servlet container perfectly happily, for example
Tomcat, and you can now run CF on JBoss as a supported configuration.

WebSphere and WebLogic are very sophisticated systems, very robust -
and very expensive.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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