> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nate Willard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 3:35 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: poll - How many MS should it take to load a site's home page?
> Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts.
> How many milliseconds should it take for a site's home
> page to load?

The rule of thumb is:

+) .1 seconds (100ms or less) is what people consider "instant response".
They won't lose focus or notice any delay.

+) Anything up to 1 second will allow most people to stay focused.  They'll
notice the delay but it won't interrupt or frustrate them - they still "move
freely through the information space".

+) Anything up to 10 seconds will let the user maintain attention on the
task, but the delay will be frustrating and disconcerting.

+) Anything greater and the person loses focus (wants to do other things).
This is where you need to start considering progress bars, warnings,
background downloads and other mitigating interfaces.

These aren't specifically for web pages but for general computer
transactions.  Similar numbers result in nearly all interaction scenarios:
industrial design, communication (notice, for example, how communication
often breaks down on live satellite conversations when the delay grows
larger than a second), etc.

There aren't separate expectations for "web applications" vrs "applications"
- we're talking about user experience and the delivery mechanism doesn't
alter that.

Also note that this isn't "ColdFusion time" or "Download time" or "Browser
Rendering time" - this is EVERYTHING.  Click-to-done.  You can sometimes use
the "click-to-useful" time (the time it takes for useful information to be
displayed as when a browser is done displaying the requested information but
not down downloading non-essential graphics) but that can get touchy and
should be tested - depending on the page being unfinished can be very
noticeable or barely noticeable.

Jim Davis

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