There is an issue of context. Following your description of the 'icon', 
I would think that this icon is for a product itself. Not a functionary 
icon, like 'print' or 'save', but rather an icon meant to start a 
specific application. In that context, then the 'icon' is generally not 
really an icon at all, but rather a scaled down representation of the 
application's (or company's) logo.

Now this gets tricky. I know (from a job I had in the past, outside of 
web development) a little about branding. Establishing a 'brand' is 
heavy business, and should never be taken lightly. As an example, what 
image do you think of when you think of Nike? You think of the Nike 
swoosh. Even without the word 'Nike', you see the swoosh and you know 
that it's Nike. It's on every item they produce. It's on every tag. It's 
even the favicon that shows up when you load all of their sites. You can 
apply this with most any major software as well. Think Windows, Mac, 
AOL. From an image/icon/logo standpoint I bet you connected those dots 
without thought. (Incidentally, this is one area where ColdFusion has 
lost out, as a brand, since Allaire was bought.)

For this, I side with Dave. If this icon/logo is to be attached to 
something that should come back favorably to you and your work (be that 
in revenue, word of mouth, work you want associated with you as a 
developer...) then you should seriously consider hiring a designer to 
create a professional logo. Create a brand identity. It's not your 
personal creativity at question, but the value you are attempting to 
create, build and portray.

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Don L wrote:
> My apology for OT.  Need an opinion, when you see the following icon, 
> what do you make of it?  Also, it's boring, clearly I lack creativity.
> Thanks. 

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