Did you check to see if there's an equivalent servlet mapping in
default-web.xml? I'm too lazy to check myself right now.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Kay Smoljak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was surprised and happy to discover in the CF 8.0.1 release notes
>  that the file upload ability in FCKEditor can now be enabled with a
>  couple of flags in the js config file. I tried it out (by modifying
>  the global fckconfig.js in the CFIDE folder) and it works great. Yay
>  for reading the release notes :)
>  However, if I copy the entire CFIDE/scripts/ajax/fckeditor folder to a
>  location under my local web root (in my example, /jscripts/fckeditor/)
>  and use the basepath attribute of the CFTEXTAREA tag to specify my
>  local version, launching the file browser brings up an error:
>  XML request error: Not Found (404)
>  Requested URL:

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