> Is that all there is to it?  And this creates a running
> of the query which doesn't involve the browser?  Is that what
> this means (from the cfdocs):

Basically, yes, although I wouldn't really think of it in terms of whether or 
not the browser is involved, it's more to do with the current running thread on 
the server that is processing the page...it starts a new thread that will call 
the query which will run independent of the rest of your code and will not have 
to wait for it to complete before passing the results back to the browser, it 
sort of just skips over that and keeps running while the new thread is off 
running at the same time in parallel. The end result being that the page will 
not take any longer to run as far as the user is concerned than a typical 
update would. 

It's something you want to be judicious about using, as you don't want to 
overtax a server by constantly creating new threads...but it's a nice solution 
for a situation like this where you have a small number of users that will be 
only be updating the tables once in awhile. 

--- Mary Jo

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