Don't you want that link to be:

<a href="";>view cameras</a>

You'll need to route to an externally available IP if you want to  
access that network location from anywhere other than the network,  
though.   192.* network address will only resolve to the same network   
That's why you can't access from outside the network.

  For the machine public IP address, you will need to make sure your  
webserver (IIS, Apache, etc) is configured at that IP to resolve  
requests for that IP to the correct location.



On May 16, 2008, at 9:12 PM, Toby King wrote:

> Hi all
> I'ms tuck on this and wondering if it can be done.
> Basically I have a coldfusion application developed and working.  I  
> also have another computer in the network that is used as a security  
> monitoring system with cameras attached to it.
> In my application I have an active link something <a href="view  
> cameras"></a>
> Now when I am on the network I get the page and everything is OK and  
> displays.
> I am now trying to do this so I can set the system up to perform  
> monitoring when away from the office.
> I thought that I might be able to do this using the link above but  
> with no luck.
> I then tried using the IP Address which is a static IP address but  
> no luck i.e.
> <a href="view cameras"></a>  (Not the actual IP  
> Adress for security reasons - but rather to give you an idea).
> So I am wondering if anyone has any ideas am I able to do this at all.
> Thanks in advance.

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