Russ wrote:
> From: Jochem van Dieten:
>> Russ wrote:
>>> What I want is what the latest MySQL sort of provides.  I want to have
>>> separate machines with local storage each running a DB daemon, and to be
>>> able to at least have automatic failover
>> So I presume that you mean MySQL replication (since MySQL Cluster is
>> main-memory and doen't have the local storage).
> This is no longer true as of 5.1 I believe.  The only issue seems to be that
> it doesn't support enforcement of foreign keys and a few other issues:

That is the documentation for (master-slave) replication of a MySQL 
Cluster (NDB). I am talking about NDB itself. I believe it still is true 
that MySQL Cluster is main-memory and does not have local storage nor 
supports a spill to disk scenario that allows for a database larger then 
main-memory. Together with the lack of durable commits that makes for 
very specialized use-cases.

> How hard is it to port a MS SQL db over?

Depends on which features were used. On your schema level you need to 
convert all your datetime types and redo your full text indexing. You 
want to make all your strings TEXT (unless you have a specific reason to 
want them shorter) ad have a good read to see which more exotic 
datatypes can be useful.
For your queries everything with datetimes and uppercase/lowercase needs 
to be redone and you need to rewrite all your UDFs and stored 
procedures. Start all performance tuning from scratch as well. I am not 
familiar with any tools for porting from MS SQL Server.


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