(disclaimer... written a LONG time
ago.  i offer no guarantees that it doesn't suck) :)

i'm pretty sure Jim Davis has one as well somewhere in his site

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not the one that represents a folder structure or
> hierarchy, but shows the exact places visited.
> Home > Services > Contact > Pricing > FAQ
> Anyone know of a tutorial on how to do this?
> Just store the link name representing a full url
> for the last, say, 5 or so visited pages?
> Update the path variables with each new page visit?
> In application.cfm (yes, still .cfm), upon visit to homepage...
> <cfset session.page_one = ''>
> <cfset session.page_two = ''>
> <cfset session.page_three = ''>
> <cfset session.page_four = ''>
> <cfset session.page_five = ''>
> <cfoutout>
> <a href='#session.page_one#'>Home</a>
> </cfoutput>
> Visit to 'Services' page:
> <cfset session.page_two = ''>
> <cfoutput>
> <a href='#session.page_one#'>Home</a>
> <a href='#session.page_two#'>Services</a>
> </cfoutput>
> etc...
> Now there would have to be a way developed to figure out the next
> empty session variable to hold the visited page and then to rotate
> pages down one rank in the history and off the history after 5 pages
> were visited.
> But would this concept work?
> Thanks for any feedback or references to tutorials!
> Rick

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