
First... I would var any variables used inside the thread.  Second, you
should be able to "write" this file using cffile - but I'm not sure why your
cfpdf action is not working. But you want to try this code outside your
cfthread to see how it behaves - cfthread obscures error information and
makes it difficult to troubleshoot :)


Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
(402) 408-3733 ext 105

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:45 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: <cfthread>s, scopes, <cfreport> and JVM memory.

Yes there is a thread local scope and one can use the 'Var' keyword, but
apparently it is somewhat unnecessary.

So this just leaves me trying to control the memory used by the
<cfreport...> tag.  Instead of writing directly to a file I am putting the
<cfreport... output into a variable and then attempting to write that file
out.  This seems to be working for the memory now, the memory is released
and cleaned up between each batch during the sleep period to the throttle
the report generation.

But the files are not actually being written!  Should this work?

       BUILD REPORT --->
      <cfreport template="ren.cfr" format="pdf" overwrite="yes"
        <cfreportparam name="pFirmNo" 
        <cfreportparam name="pIssueDate" value=#DateFormat(pIssueDate,
        <cfreportparam name="pRenewalId" value=#vRenewalSeq#>
       <cfset arrayAppend(variables.pdfFiles,vOutputFilePath)>
       <cfpdf action="write" source="#vReportLetter#" 
destination="#vOutputFilePath#" overwrite="yes">

Or do I just use a <cffile action="write"...> tag.  Isn't that just for text
files or can I write out binary output like a PDF file?

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