Mark Kruger wrote:
> Ian,
> First... I would var any variables used inside the thread.  Second, you
> should be able to "write" this file using cffile - but I'm not sure why your
> cfpdf action is not working. But you want to try this code outside your
> cfthread to see how it behaves - cfthread obscures error information and
> makes it difficult to troubleshoot :)
> -mark

Yeah, that finally tracked down the problem to incorrect pound signs in 
the <cfpdf...> tag.  The source parameter just needs that string of the 
the PDF variable not to process it as a variable.  That is one of the 
inconsistencies of CF that trips me up most often.  When to just use the 
string of the variable and when not to in tag parameters.

Now I am struggling with how threads and memory usage work together.  I 
think I may be bouncing around a bug, at least some type of unexpected 
(for me at least) behavior.  So far it seems to center around writing 
PDF content to files.  When I straightened out the <cfpdf...> tag, so 
that it works correctly, I am again experiencing the phenomenon where 
JVM memory usage will just climb and climb with each iteration of PDF 
generation until the master thread is finished or the memory is full and 
CF starts throwing exceptions.  The same thing happened when the 
<cfreport...> tag directly wrote the PDF content it generates to a file.

The whole point of this is the create ~1300 multiple page pdf form 
letters that we know will not all fit into memory at once.  How can we 
control this so that the process can be allowed to finish?

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