Thats the macro/polo version. Problem I had with bringing in variables that way 
is they don't compare properly. My if statements will not properly compare them 
so I can actually do something with them. Like i could set 
value1=mystring&value2=mystring, and try to compare them if (value1==value2) 
and it couldn't figure out that they were indeed equal. I actually brought this 
issue to MAX tried to stir up some answers, and the only version that actually 
worked was to pass them as a url query. That won't work now though cause I need 
to send/recieve every 5 seconds. I even went to the after hours Flash feedback 
session with the ppl that made it, and they couldn't help me. They just seem to 
write off Flash remoting as the solution. Yeah well lot of good that does me 
now. Funny they seemed to push AS3 so hard, yet it seems like a very rushed 
language. No documentation on handling extrenal data, nobody there could 
"figure it out", more than half their components don't function in AS3. I look 
forward to revisiting it at MAX 08. But in the meantime I still have to get 
this done. Here is what I need to accomplish....

Query a datapage every 5 seconds so I can compare variables, retereived from a 
database. Mimic real-time swf changes based off these variable results. They 
have to be able to compare proerly. For example if 50 ppl have the same swf 
open, and I make a change to the DB, it needs to make a swf change based off 
that info. End result, all 50 ppl see the new swf within 5 seconds of the DB 

Any ideas?

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