
>Can anybody point out what is fundamentally wrong with this code.  Such
>that it has at least a 50% chance of complete failure resulting in a
>non-responsive ColdFusion server that must be restarted.  What gets me
>is that sometimes it works completely correct and produces all the
>desired files.  The next time, with the exact same code and data, it
>fails and hangs the server, but generates no exceptions or errors.  At
>least none that I have been able to find.
> [... clip ...]
>        <!--- BUILD REPORT --->
>        <cfreport template="ren.cfr" format="pdf"
>            <cfreportparam name="pFirmNo"
>            <cfreportparam name="pIssueDate"
>value="#DateFormat(variables.pIssueDate, 'mm/dd/yy')#">
>            <cfreportparam name="pRenewalId" value="#thread.vRenewalSeq#">
>        </cfreport>
>        <cfpdf action="write" source="vRenewalReport"
>destination="#thread.vOutputFilePath#" overwrite="yes">
> [... clip ...]

I wonder if the problem isn't with <cfthread /> but actually with heavy
usage of either <cfreport /> or <cfpdf /> tags.

Are you creating large reports? It could be a memory issue your running in
to. How much RAM is available to the JVM?

I would try simplifying things. Does it always work if you comment out the
<cfreport /> and <cfpdf /> tags? 

If it does, what happens if you comment out the <cfreport /> tag and just
write a very simply PDF?

I could see how if you're generating some large PDFs, that without enough
RAM it could drive the JVM nuts.


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