Yes the problem is probably that you are creating over 1000 threads, each of
which runs a cfreport tag to generate a PDF. You're probably killing the
server. CFThread threads are just like any normal CF web thread, and you
certainly wouldn't want to try and simultaneously process 1000 HTTP request
threads either. You might look at breaking this up and processing them in
smaller chunks of, say, 10 or something.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian Kotek wrote:
> > Also, Ian, how many threads are you creating here based on the query
> > results? 10? 10,000?
> >
> For this process 1,371.  That is my basic question at this time -- What
> are the practical limits of the <cfthread...>
> Here is my simplest test case to date.  I seems to show that there is a
> limit, but I really don't know where it might be.
> <cfloop from="1" to="1500" index="i">
>    <cfthread action="run" name="th_#i#" threadID="#i#">
>        <cfset thread.foobar = threadID>
>        <cfset thread.calc = threadID * randRange(1,10)>
>    </cfthread>
> </cfloop>
> <cfthread action="join" name="#structKeyList(cfThread)#" timeout="10000"/>
> <cfdump var="#cfThread#" format="text" expand="no">
> This code will frequently cause hung threads that NEVER end until the
> server is restarted.

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