Yes, I'll work on something like that but it requires heavy testing to make 
sure that the solution is correct. Pooling is quite a difficult topic and not 
very much documented topic (I could not find a document that explains how the 
ColdFusion driver is communicating with Oracle - like what if the pool size is 
set to 1 and there are two concurrent connections, then what happens with the 
Oracle session - does it open a session for each user or it uses time-sharing, 

It could be the case that when I set the user id through a stored procedure, 
another user comes in, reusing an existing connection from the pool, and then 
that will mess up the authentication process. However, through transactions we 
are guaranteed that what is in the transaction is committed/rollbacked in a 
block. The disadvantage with transactions is that they cannot be nested and 
they affect the performance. 

>Why not just set it in their session and then you are only setting it once
>and referencing that for each query you execute. 

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