If you have a private beta, then that should be a separate application...I
would assume that this beta is a different code set (physically speaking).
If you have to make a change to multiple code sets you can merge it.  You
can also automate that via scripting.  If you have something that is
regularly merged to multiple code sets, then write script you can run where
you can specify multiple source and destination file.


/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 6:57 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: RE: SVN in Production
/*Think of an Application has being something that more than one client
/*have. Then think about their requirements, and how it might differ to
/*another client.
/*It is no secret that we have released our new flagship product into
/*beta, this product will have so many different carnations to the
/*Anyway the point is that I might have one section, that is in 2 versions
/*that need to be fixed. I switch to the first version and fix it, follow
/*SDLC and when it is approved it is then migrated to production. In the
/*meantime we realise that another client uses this in their instance, so we
/*now need to merge the changes to their version.
/*This is an extreme case, but it highlights the switching to branches, tags
/*or any version you need too.
/*As for tickets, I just fixed 3 bugs. And another developer just also added
/*new module. But the module is not ready for production. So that means we
/*need to sync the changes that I made and leave the other developers away
/*from production. Which means we now have to eyeball these changes to
/*Or in a more common example, as most Coldfusion developers are single team
/*developers. The client has requested a complete change to their system,
/*finished he approved 60% of the changes and wants them to go live right
/*I can't just export now can I? So again I have to either tell the client
/*which will upset them.. Or make an eyeball sync to production to make the
/*client happy, while they get me to finalise the remaining 40% of the
/*Under these circumstances, you can't just do an export from SVN.
/*Senior Coldfusion Developer
/*Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
/*Phone: +613 9015 8628
/*Mobile: 0404 998 273
/*-----Original Message-----
/*From: Kym Kovan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, 11 August 2008 11:05 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: SVN in Production
/*Andrew Scott wrote:
/*> And how are you going to migrate small changes in a midst of other
/*Good response Andrew to my question, just what I wanted. Unfortunately
/*your response is top-replied with your signature as well, with its
/*correct "--", so in Thunderbird my question below that is lost.
/*But this brings up a point I noticed in your earlier replies, you talked
/*of 20 tickets open and sending one ticket to production. You also talked
/*in another reply about the work in maintaining multiple branches for
/*them all but surely this is what keeping tight control over your code is
/*all about? "A" change is "A" branch, merge it when it is right and there
/*is no problem surely? You talked about one application but many clients
/*running off it, with variations for all of them. If changing one
/*client's code affects others then surely the site architecture is wrong,
/*it isn't one application is it many similar ones. I feel motivated to
/*shout at you like you shout at everyone else about how bad that is, but
/*I won't....
/*Kym Kovan

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