> I am have a really hard time installing CF 8 on Win 2003 SP2, 
> I have changed permissions on the directories, turned off 
> DEP, Installed on an old Win 2000 box and the same problem 
> keeps poping up..
> I am try to do the multiserver installation  without linking 
> to IIS and every time there is a single error in the install 
> log about ANT not being able to find a single directory 
> xxx\servers\cfusion\coldfusionwar\coldfusionear\webinf\somethi
> ng\lib    
> I have changed permissions cleared temp directories and 
> anything else I can see on the web but to no avail.. I have 
> even pulled down a fresh copy of the Win 801 installer but no 
> love.. Just an incomplete install without any of the CF 
> directories or a wwwroot
> Short of covering myself in Chicken blood and dancing around 
> a fire naked whilst offering votive offerings to IT gods I am 
> out of ideas ! can anyone spare from an embarasing night in a 
> paddock !

Are you sure you're installing from an administrative account?

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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