Thanks for your help and suggestions Dave, I had to go a different 
direction though to get this process working. 

Sometimes I wish I were a burger flipper rather than a programmer... :)

Dave Watts wrote:
>> I would prefer to get this running directly from CF, simply because it's
>> less complicated...
> I'm not sure what you mean by this. Scheduled tasks by default run as
> SYSTEM. They're never going to be run "directly from CF" because CF
> isn't the scheduler service.
>> When I try to add /u *localUserName* /p *password* I get this:
>> ERROR: Invalid syntax. Cannot specify user name without specifying
>> system name.
> Are you adding the name as "domain\user" or "localmachinename\user"?
>> So... when I add /s //*machineName* I get this:
>> ERROR: C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
> I think it's just /s machinename, without any slashes. If you did add
> slashes, Windows uses backslashes for UNC notation, not forward
> slashes. But again, I don't think they're needed at all here.
> I'll qualify all this by saying I haven't used schtasks in a long time.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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