Yea you're right Ike.   Story of my life -  I relax for once and make
a smart-alec comment and it whips around and bites me.

But in my own defence,  mine takes less typing!  LOL .

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 5:50 PM, s. isaac dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Kear said:
>> Ike, your query will still attempt to select records that have been
>> deleted     The original problem was that the keys werent sequential
>> if some records have been deleted.   That's going to happen as ads are
>> removed.     Using the technique I use, it selects a random record
>> from the records that exist in the table, whether sequential or not.
> Umm... nope... non-sequential keys won't be an issue with the solution I
> posted because I used a randrange against the number of records in the
> query and then fetched the ID from that record using array-notation, so
> the ID is guaranteed to be in that query when it performs the 2nd fetch.
>> Ike, your solution requires two trips to the database, mine requires
>> one.     So . my dad can beat your dad . nyah nyah nyah !! <g>
> Heh... you need to get your eyes checked. The 2nd query is a query of
> query. :)
> The only real issue he might have with it is that he might want to see
> ads removed immediately when he deletes them in his app and that code
> won't remove them right away, it'll wait until the following day. And
> that actually means that my code would be making a LOT fewer trips to
> the database in total (1 per day instead of 1 per request). ;) But he
> could of course reduce the cache duration and have the changes show up
> every hour or so if he didn't want to either throw away all the cache or
> produce a more complicated solution for invalidating the cache.
> --
> s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
>  isn't it time for a change?
>     ph: 781.769.0723

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