I would have thought the counting of views wouldnt have anything to do
with how the banner is selected. They are two different db

Are you sure that .val(GetADs.views)  is giving you a numeric value?

Are you sure that incrementvalue(val(GetADs.views)) is giving you a
value 1 greater than the number of views?

If you are getting those values right, your query should work to
update the views number in the table.

I would just be certain that the elements are giving you the values
you think they should be . I would be checking with CFDUMPs to make
sure that val(GetADs.views) and incrementvalue(val(GetADs.views))  are
showing the results you are expecting.   I dont know how your GetAds
query would be drawing data from the wrong record.

I notice that your GetADs has datasource="#Green#"  and the other
query has datasource="Brooke".  Could that be a source of the error?
Do you have two different datasources?


Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Sin Tec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried Mikes code:
>  SELECT top 1 *
>  FROM dbo.banner_left
> ORDER BY newID()
> works great for the random but it screws up the views.
> <CFSET add = incrementvalue(val(GetADs.views))>
> <CFQUERY datasource="Brooke" name="AddView">
>   UPDATE dbo.banner_left
>   SET views = #add#
> It either doesnt count it or it will pull the views from another record puts 
> it in that record. :(
> I will try working with Isaacs code but im not to fond of the delay in the 
> delete.
> Thank you guys for all your help

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