Yikes, I just dropped something on the send button prematurely.

> I'm a programmer of 3 years now and only started coding in CF about a year 
> ago whilst my database
> knowledge is not that great one marked difference (my very little experience 
> anyway) from speaking
> to my CF colleagues is that most of them refuses to use stored procedure or 
> even views, their main
> point of arguement is that cfqueryparam pre-compiles, does data type 
> validation and foils sql injection etc..
> But coming from the other side (.NET C# realm), everything I did as far as 
> SQL was concerned was
> done in the database, it was also very easy to port some of my C# code to CF 
> and now vice-versa
> since my database logic was and is totally separate from the code base.
> Why not let database do what is was made for.....am I missing something here?

No, you're not really missing anything here. That said, your
colleagues are also right, in a sense. Prepared statements do provide
the same functionality with regard to data type validation,
performance, and SQL injection prevention as functionally identical
stored procedures.

Beyond that, though, each provides specific advantages not found by
the other. The advantages of stored procedures over prepared
statements are the portability across applications you mention, the
ability to further restrict permissions on the database, and the
ability to perform procedural logic and more complex functionality
within the database that you couldn't do with a passthrough query. The
advantages of prepared statements over stored procedures are the
ability to more easily generate data-driven SQL statements at the
application layer, and portability across databases if written in
ANSI-92 SQL (which may be more important than portability across
applications, or less, depending on your specific needs).

So, there really isn't a clear "right answer", which is why both
options exist. I prefer to use stored procedures when I can, but I
wouldn't generalize from that to calling it a best practice.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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