Matthew Allen wrote:
> Why not let database do what is was made I missing something here? 

I suspect you are missing just how stubborn people can be in their ways.

There are trade offs with using stored procedures, just as with any 
choice.  But *not* using <cfqueryparam...> is not really a good one.  
Yes you don't use <cfqueryparam...> and get a pre-compiled SQL 
statement, but you have a pre-compiled stored procedure so that is 
really a plus for the SP.  But just because it is a stored procedure 
does not guarantee that the code is safe from SQL injection.  It is just 
as possible to write stored procedures that blindly accept untrusted 
inputs and build SQL operations that can be coerced into doing more then 
the developer intended by hackers.

One reason for the popularity of inline queries over stored procedures 
is the simplicity of having all the code in one place.  Until my current 
position, I did not have access to databases where I could write my own 
stored procedures.  So I had to either involve a DBA to do it for me, or 
I could just write the code myself in inline queries, 8 out of 10 times 
the latter was much simpler to do and get the job done.

But even during those days, I saw the advantages of stored procedures, 
and would advocate for them every chance I got.  Now I work for an 
organization where the DBA's are afraid of developers, developing all 
the code for an application.  Thus I can now write and compile my own 
stored procedures in the database, so I am starting to make more use of 
them.  I still often start with inline queries when I am proofing up a 
new concept, because it is still simpler when all the code is in one 
place.  But once a project gets going, I look forward to putting all the 
pieces where they can be done by the best tool available, which as a 
rule of thumb is letting databases do the heavy data work.

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