Just been reading Learning Jquery so hopefully this can get you on the 
right track

$(document.ready(function( ) {

$.each(data,function(structKey, structValue){var buildDate = 
structValue['month'] + structValue['year'] ; });


The 1st callback function (in $getJSON method) uses your cfcs returned 
JSON (i.e. data).

The 2nd callback function belonging to the $.each method has access to 
the current iteration key/value pair of your json(struct).

Have not tried it but if cfc access set to remote and returnformat = 
json i think it should bear fruit

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Not to overly dramatic, but, I think my head really is
> about to explode.  I know my blood pressure is sky high!
> I'm going to conquer this stuff or die trying! (Probably
> will kill me...)
> Anyway, I'm trying to return data from a method involving
> 2 queries of data and some random data via ajax.
> I'm in *over* my head... I can work with simple stuff, but
> these functions are getting complex.
> Here's what I'm setting up to return via <cfreturn ... />:
> <cfset   structSchedule.message         =   "Success">
> <cfset   structSchedule.month           =   "#arguments.month#">
> <cfset   structSchedule.year            =   "#arguments.year#">
> <cfset   structSchedule.qGetSchedule    =   "#qGetSchedule#">
> <cfset   structSchedule.qGetDutyDates   =   "#qGetDutyDates#">
> <cfreturn   structSchedule />
> I have no idea if that's how I should be trying to return all that data.
> Below is what I'm getting in the response tab of firebug:
> (formatted a little so it's easier to read)
> As you can see, I'm getting the data, but I can't figure out how to
> read it back on the calling page.  Is this where "serializeJSON" comes in?
> I'm using "returnFormat='JSON'" to return and data.
> Advice?  Suggestions?  Clues?
> Rick
> PS - I just realized I'm missing a lot of data.  I should have 4 rows of
> data in the "QGETSCHEDULE" section for each date in the "QGETDUTYDATES" 
> section.
> But that's probably just how I've got the queries set up...
> {"MONTH":2.0,
> {"COLUMNS":   
> "DATA":[[1677,"February, 28 2009 00:00:00","am",18,"primary","Mary","Fail"],
>         [1678,"February, 28 2009 
> 00:00:00","am",19,"alternate","Rebecca","Nottingham"],
>         [1679,"February, 28 2009 
> 00:00:00","pm",20,"primary","Renea","Camper"],
>         [1680,"February, 28 2009 
> 00:00:00","pm",21,"alternate","Verjuana","Underwood"]]},
> "MESSAGE":"Success",
> "YEAR":2009.0,
> {"COLUMNS":["DATE"],
> "DATA":[["February, 01 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 02 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 03 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 04 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 05 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 06 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 07 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 08 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 09 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 10 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 11 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 12 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 13 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 14 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 15 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 16 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 17 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 18 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 19 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 20 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 21 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 22 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 23 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 24 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 25 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 26 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 27 2009 00:00:00"],
>         ["February, 28 200900:00:00"]]}}

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