
Hope you're well mate. With regards to this it looks as if requests are
timing out whilst sat in the request pool before being processed.

My guess would be that this might be related to those scheduled tasks, if
they're running and consuming all available requests due to the slow running
speed and creating a bottleneck then you'll be quing other requests for too
long and causing them to time out.

Try bumping the number if simultaneous requests up and see if that solves
the problem, if it does then I'd look at making those scheduled tasks more


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Quackenbush [] 
Sent: 18 March 2009 10:31
To: cf-talk
Subject: JRun Throwing 503 Errors


On one of my servers, starting about 12 hours ago, all of a sudden JRun
seems to be shutting down or something.  It quits responding and displays
the following error message on every request:


Request timed out waiting to execute

For the last 12 hours this has occurred repeatedly, with a max interval of 3
hours.  Nothing in the CF logs gives me any indication of what the cause
is.  Where can I check to try and pinpoint the cause?

The server specs:

CPU: 2x Dual-Core Xeon
RAM: 4GB ECC Registered
OS:   Windows Server 2003
CF:    CF8 Enterprise, JRun configuration
Web:  IIS
DB:    None

The only thing that I can think of is the fact that there are a lot of
long-running scheduled tasks that rely on <cfhttp> calls.  Could it be
possible that <cfhttp> is timing out and causing JRun to shut down?  That
really doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, but I can think of no
other reason.  Nothing else is affected, only JRun.

Any thoughts, tips, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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