Yeah thought that would be the case.

So, are they just slow running or was the end server not responding and
causing them to stack? Did changing the concurrent requests setting the
Admin help at all? Or just prolong the problem?

I'd probably recommend using the timeout on cfhttp be set to solve this
issue, at the moment it just sits indefinitely.

"Value, in seconds, that is the maximum time the request can take. If the
time-out passes without a response, ColdFusion considers the request to have

If the client specifies a time-out in the URL search parameter (for example,
?RequestTime=120) ColdFusion uses the lesser of the URL time-out and the
timeout attribute value; this ensures that the request times out before, or
at the same time as, the page.

If the URL does not specify a time-out, ColdFusion uses the lesser of the
Administrator time-out and the timeout attribute value.

If the time-out is not set in any of these, ColdFusion waits indefinitely
for the cfhttp request to process."

That won't solve the problem if they're just slow to return a large set of
data however it'll solve the problem if you've got requests that are not


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Quackenbush [] 
Sent: 20 March 2009 06:09
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: JRun Throwing 503 Errors

In a nutshell, <cfhttp> calls hanging, stacking on top of each other, and
eating up the JVM.

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