Hey Ian,

My first thoughts on this would be to ensure that YOU keep total control
over the actually SQL that is being run, if you're working with large sets
of data (more than a few GB) than the performance problems which arise from
poorly written SQL could likely cause you all kinds of beef ;-) and that's
just assuming that people aren't hitting you with malicious code (which they
will) Not only that but also having to keep an eye on the queries people are
running to ensure your indexes and statistics are configured in a manner
which keeps things efficient is also quite a task.... bleh, it'd be messy
I'm sure.

I'd suggest developing some form of data access API in the form of a web
service or possibly with your own front end on it if that's what the use
case needs which allows users access to data but means you can retain
control over the actual SQL which is executed at runtime.

I don't know the full details of your use case at the moment but if I was in
your shoes my first thought would jump to publishing a webservice API which
allows people access to the data.

I think if you let users write SQL to work on your data you'll likely just
end up wanted to kill yourself, genuinely! The performance and security
risks involved are just so huge.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:h...@ilsweb.com] 
Sent: 23 April 2009 15:35
To: cf-talk
Subject: YIKES! I must let internet users write SQL queries for our

Did I get your attention? Luckily these are read-only queries, but still!

I have a meeting this afternoon to discuss reworking/developing an 
interface to allow anonymous, anybody in the world, users to develop add 
hock queries on a respectably large database.  This database gets about 
2.5 million transactions, and growing, a year and has been around since 
1973.  It is public data, so we need to provide public access to it.  We 
would like it to be self service public access so the public can stop 
bothering us for the data and we can spend more time on fun projects :)

There is currently a form based interface, but it has serious 
limitations and is no longer serving its role well.  So this meeting is 
to discuss what to do about this and how much time and effort it might 
take.  I am soliciting you all for ideas I may be overlooking on 
possible solutions and|or gotcha's for something like this.  So fire 
away please.

Thank You

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