
Just out of interest, how much data are we talking about? Roughly? DB size,
tables, rows etc. My web service suggestion was really based on the idea
that data was returned immediately but after reading your other post I'm
less sold on my own idea ;-)

Can you go into a little more depth about you current use case, so, a user
comes to the site, completed an HTML form about the data they want from you,
you then process that data and package it into an email for them, and you're
looking to automate that process a little more? Is that correct?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:h...@ilsweb.com] 
Sent: 23 April 2009 16:25
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: YIKES! I must let internet users write SQL queries for our

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
> Hey Ian,
> My first thoughts on this would be to ensure that YOU keep total control
> over the actually SQL that is being run, if you're working with large sets
> of data (more than a few GB) than the performance problems which arise
> poorly written SQL could likely cause you all kinds of beef ;-) 

For sure, the current HTML form based interface that does this still 
allows users to build queries that kill the system, which is one of the 
main drivers for todays meeting.  To discuss what and how the system 
could be improved and how much effort such a project might take.

The web services idea is a good one, I'll definitely put it on the list 
for discussion.

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