I'm getting closer to what I want with a table layout. One thing I can't
seem to get so far is a solid background behind table headers.
border-collapse works in a browser but isn't supported by the cfdocument.
Setting border-spacing, padding and margin all to 0 doesn't seem to do it

Any thoughts?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Randi Knutson <rknut...@otan.us> wrote:

> I should have mentioned that I had to put everything in tables for layout.
> I also removed every non-basic CSS thing I had.  I ended up with a print
> version and a simle print style sheet and the web version with its own
> nicer style sheet.
> My client had what is basically an accounting spreadsheet they wanted
> recreated in a web form, then pdf'd for an official copy.  It took me
> almost 3 weeks to match the original's exact positioning, font, layout,
> etc.  Good times.
> cf-talk@houseoffusion.com on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:07 PM -0700
> wrote:
> >Font sizes I specified in pt instead of em and I tried to do everything in
> >percentages with no px definitions under the theory that pdf is a vector
> >format. No love.
> >
> >Thanks for all the ideas being tossed out though.

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