With Railo gaining more momentum now, I think we'll see some cheaper 
ColdFusion hosting options.  And you get your own administrator!

Alurium has Railo hosting starting at $6.75/month (200MB storage, 5GB 
bandwidth).  And a 60 day free trial.  http://alurium.com


Paul Alkema wrote:
> I love ColdFusion, but when people talk shared hosting there's no
> comparative to between CF shared hosting and php shared hosting.
> Here is Mike Kear's Offer of CF Hosting According to his website.
> CF Shared Hosting
> afpwebworks.com - Advertised Hosting Plan
> Monthly price   - $15/M
> Disk Space      - 20mb
> Bandwidth       - 500mb/mo
> MySQL Databases - None
> PHP Shared Hosting
> alkemadesigns.com/hosting - Advertised Hosting Plan
> Monthly price   - $4.95/M
> Disk Space      - UNLIMITED
> Bandwidth       - UNLIMITED
> MySQL Databases - UNLIMITED
> I'm not insulting Mike Kear's offer.. at all, I actually think this is low
> for coldfusion hosting. The matter of the fact is, is that good CF shared
> hosting costs more than good PHP hosting.
> If I can get my clients to get a dedicated CF server I always encourage them
> to do so, but if they can't afford it there is no comparison between PHP
> shared hosting and CF shared hosting. Also, I think another downside to CF
> shared hosting is the lack of control, between Cpanel, php.ini file and your
> .htaccess file you have so much control of your hosting, but with CF hosting
> in order to get things changed many times you have to call the hosting
> company ask them to change IIS setting etc...
> My recommendation is, if you're looking for shared hosting, use a PHP server
> and learn PHP. If your company can afford it, go with a dedicated CF server
> because CF is so much easier to write, easier to read and development time
> is so much faster. :)
> Paul Alkema
> http://www.AlkemaDesigns.com

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