I'm reminded of a scene from the book "It" by Stephen King. The main
characters build a small dam in a creek in the woods when some bullies come
along and knock it down. As the bullies leave, one of them yells out "it was
a real baby dam anyway".

A client who's going to nickel and dime you over one or two billable hours
worth of hosting time, is not the sort of client you want to work with.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:li...@commadelimited.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 9:35 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: Coldfusion Sport Software

If your client is complaining about the difference in price between $5 a
month ($60 per year) and $15 a month ($180 per year), then maybe it's time
to find yourself a new client.

Until Adobe starts offering a free version, or Railo and Open BD start
gaining more traction, PHP hosting will always be cheaper. The catch is the
speed of development. Sure you could save $120 per year, but that amounts to
ONE billable hour for some developers. Do you think your website could get
done faster if that developer had ONE more hour to work on it? Probably not.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Stille [mailto:r...@cfwebtools.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 8:55 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Coldfusion Sport Software

With Railo gaining more momentum now, I think we'll see some cheaper
ColdFusion hosting options.  And you get your own administrator!

Alurium has Railo hosting starting at $6.75/month (200MB storage, 5GB
bandwidth).  And a 60 day free trial.  http://alurium.com


Paul Alkema wrote:
> I love ColdFusion, but when people talk shared hosting there's no 
> comparative to between CF shared hosting and php shared hosting.
> Here is Mike Kear's Offer of CF Hosting According to his website.
> CF Shared Hosting
> afpwebworks.com - Advertised Hosting Plan
> Monthly price   - $15/M
> Disk Space      - 20mb
> Bandwidth       - 500mb/mo
> MySQL Databases - None
> PHP Shared Hosting
> alkemadesigns.com/hosting - Advertised Hosting Plan
> Monthly price   - $4.95/M
> Disk Space      - UNLIMITED
> Bandwidth       - UNLIMITED
> MySQL Databases - UNLIMITED
> I'm not insulting Mike Kear's offer.. at all, I actually think this is 
> low for coldfusion hosting. The matter of the fact is, is that good CF 
> shared hosting costs more than good PHP hosting.
> If I can get my clients to get a dedicated CF server I always 
> encourage them to do so, but if they can't afford it there is no 
> comparison between PHP shared hosting and CF shared hosting. Also, I 
> think another downside to CF shared hosting is the lack of control, 
> between Cpanel, php.ini file and your .htaccess file you have so much 
> control of your hosting, but with CF hosting in order to get things 
> changed many times you have to call the hosting company ask them to change
IIS setting etc...
> My recommendation is, if you're looking for shared hosting, use a PHP 
> server and learn PHP. If your company can afford it, go with a 
> dedicated CF server because CF is so much easier to write, easier to 
> read and development time is so much faster. :)
> Paul Alkema
> http://www.AlkemaDesigns.com

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