ok weirdness.
so i go home last night after getting things to work a little.
i pull up url and see "Element MYSHOPPINGCART is undefined in SESSION"

i am like aw crap...
so i go into work this morning..
nothing has changed.. or so i think..

mess with a bunch of files. no luck. so i open the app.cfc in my cart folder.
i had to Change the name remove the this. and then undo those changes.
save upload,m andf it works again???
now wth is that?
i really need to understand whats going on.

  <!--- Name the application. --->
  <cfset this.name = "Website">
  <!--- Turn on session management. --->
  <cfset this.sessionManagement = true>
  <cfset this.clientManagement = true>

i am the very beginning of trying to work out a new app.
just want to do it right

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