Paul Ihrig wrote:
> yeah, not sure.
> just gonna re-read chapter 20...
> 11+ years at this and still a newb! Ha!

There is a change one has to make when one starts working with 
components and putting them into persistent memory.  It is not something 
ColdFusion developers had to worry about in the days where every request 
resulted in the CFM code being interpreted.  With that just-in-time 
interpretation, any change in the CFM source file would take immediate 
effect the very next time the file was requested. 

When one starts creating components and persisting them in memory, one 
has to think about the difference between the code that is in the source 
file and the code that is already in memory and that a new request for 
the object in memory is not going to require a call to the source file 
unless it does not exist in memory or something tells it to reinitialize 
the object from the source file.

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