Paul Ihrig wrote:
> ok to get it to work again this time i had to add this and then
> comment it out in application.cfm
> <cfset StructDelete(Session, "myShoppingCart")>
> <cfobject name="SESSION.myShoppingCart"
> component="rittalxpress.cart.ShoppingCart">
> then after the delete it pick up the info that is in the cfc in folder cart...
> wtf...

That code looks like something that would cause the reinitialization of 
your component.  When you put a component into a persistant memory 
scope, like session.  Changing the code in the CFC file will have NO 
affect on the object that already exists in memory.  One had to use 
code, something like this, to delete the object in memory and have it 
reinitialized from the CFC file.

Is that what you may be having difficulty with here?

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