> The only sane advice, given those conditions, is
> to buy a cart product (e.g. http://www.cfwebstore.com/).

Seconded.  It's hard to be involved in web development and not have to do
e-commerce at some point, but there are so many things to deal with that I
would highly recommend you work with a team that has experience so you can
learn more about the pitfalls before going at it on your own (or purchase a
reputable pre-built application like CFWebStore to get started).  Every
client will have different needs for shipping, taxes, how payments are
handled, etc.  There are also regulations such as the PCI-DSS that have to
be dealt with if you're taking credit cards directly on your store (i.e. not
through PayPal or the like).  It's certainly not something to be approached
lightly.  I wish you the best of luck with your project though.


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