On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Rick
Faircloth<r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
> You do what you have to, Phillip.  I've been there.
> Making $450 doing something beats making $0 just sitting around.
> Plus, you get some e-commerce experience, which you can then use
> to sell other sites.  $450 is tough, however.

*nods* I agree. At the very least, it will pay my rent for another
month of looking for clients. :)

> What about using a service like GoDaddy's shopping cart or Amazon,
> or even e-Bay?  Something that's ready-made to be plug into or link to
> from your site?

Well, here's the thing..

If he said he wanted a website with some ecommerce setup in it (like a
blog or gallery or some such besides some static pages), then I would
do something like that. Probably using google checkout as I already
have code to work with that.

But he said he JUST wants the store. That's it. Nothing more then that
except for the few pages of static content. So to me, copy and pasting
a shopping cart with all those features, making a few tweaks (like
cfqueryparam and such) is easier then trying to build all those
functions from scratch. Shorter as well as he wants it within a week.

So yeah. I could make it better.. I could make it more robust... But
you know what as well? There's always phase 2.

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