David Long wrote:
> It's my fault. I started it with a sarcastic and inappropriate metaphor and
> Dave (the other Dave) responded in kind. I deserved it.
> However, that doesn't change my ire at the exclusionist rates Adobe is
> asking for their too-frequent upgrades. It gives the impression they are
> trying to eliminate those of us who work independently on our own nickel.
> I'm not a troll, just a low-end user expressing my opinion.
> Please accept my apology for the unnecessary slur about "silver spoons."
> I'll shut up now.
> Dave

But you don't have to pay for x.1 upgrades if you have bought the X 
version?  If you are not counting the .1 upgrades, and upgrade cycle of 
approximately 3 years does not seem that frequent, at least for me.

I also presume you are hosting your own public web server, because 
everybody knows that the developer versions are free for development, so 
if you don't host the server, there is nothing that needs to be paid.

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