using cfformprotect i am doing an exercise whereby loggin each offending IP 
address in a table. next to each IP i am recording the number of times they 
reoffend. i am then using a block script (found from this site i think?)...

<!--- blacklist ip addresses --->
<cfset fName = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "blacklist.txt" 

<cfif isDefined("url.updateapp") or NOT isDefined("application.blacklist")>
   <cfset application.blacklist = "" />
   <cfif FileExists(fName)>
         <cffile action="read" file="#fName#" variable="application.blacklist" 
charset="utf-8" />

<cfif ListFind(application.blacklist, cgi.remote_addr, Chr(13)&Chr(10))>
   <cflocation addtoken="false" url="/blacklist.html" />
   <cfabort />

<cfif FindNoCase("DECLARE", cgi.query_string) OR FindNoCase("CAST", 
cgi.query_string) OR FindNoCase("EXEC", cgi.query_string) OR FindNoCase("DROP", 
cgi.query_string) OR FindNoCase("DELETE", cgi.query_string)>
   <cfif not ListFind(application.blacklist, cgi.remote_addr,Chr(13)&Chr(10))>
      <cfset application.blacklist = ListAppend(application.blacklist, 
cgi.remote_addr, Chr(13)&Chr(10)) />
         <cffile action="write" file="#fName#" output="#application.blacklist#" 
charset="utf-8" />
      <cflocation addtoken="false" url="/blacklist.html" />
          <cfabort />

i am updating the text file with IP addresses with multiple offences. has been 
interesting and i do believe i have cut down the spam/injection attacks. 
however the table continues to grow and i think i am losing the battle. anyway 
thought this may gorw some ideas... 

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