For coldfusion, I use Fusionreactor..  I look at the request history, 
and you see the templates that were recently called with the  url 
parameters..   when an attack is in progress, you see a lot of them 
with big url parameters. Easy to see at a glance.  Best part is then 
you can view the sql queries that ran  and how many rows were 
affected!    I can verify that they don't get through to the real 
database - just the query logging the attempt in my HACK database!
   I wouldn't run a cold fusion server without a tool like fusion 
reactor.   I created my website with coldfusion 2.0, and a lot of the 
pages haven't been updated (except for sql injection proofing) since 
then.and I learned a lot since then..  fusion reactor gives me the 
list of slow running pages, and I try to improve at least one of them 
every day. I made the entire site much faster, and concentrated on 
the most frequently used pages.  Before fusionreactor, I had no idea 
which pages were the slowest, and what was being looked at right now 
and by whom, and how the querries were doing - timewise and memory wise.

For the forms,   my website deals with some mentally challenged 
people and really important stuff.. so I try to make it easy for 
them.   I log all attempts to login.  I get an alert if someone fails 
more than twice.  I get a screen with the username they are trying, 
the passwords they tried, the real password, name , location (so I 
know the time zone) & phone number - as well as a way to unlock it ( 
it gets locked after 3 unsuccessful attempts).  I can tell if it is a 
real person struggling or if it is someone trying to break in.  If 
they are trying to break in, I add their ip address to our list of 
banned ip addresses.  If it is a real person, and the local time is 
reasonable, I call them and help them get in. I am planning on adding 
chat capability soon.

  I usually turn off ftp on my server, except when I need someone to 
upload a large file like an mri. I had it on recently and noticed the 
log file was way too big (it is usually 1-2k, and now it was like 
100k).. so I looked through it and saw someone was alternating 
between trying administrator and webmaster as the user names, and 
many password.  Never got in. I don't have an administrator or 
webmaster account allowed for ftp access:)

At 04:11 PM 1/13/2010, you wrote:
>How do you guys monitor these attacks?  The webserver logs?

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