There's a project for that.

I can't remember what it is off-hand, but I'm 100% sure there's a
"cfqueryparam-er".cfc out there, which does this.

Maybe this one? :

I think there's at least one or two more too.  I should really make a
note of them somewhere...

It would be a good addition to codecop, too.


Time and memory are true artists; they remould reality nearer to the
heart's desire.
John Dewey

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> Fast question. Has anyone seen an injection attack that used a field
> other than an integer?
> I've written a fast RegEx for use in Homesite (or any other regex
> using editor) that will find any query that has numeric 'looking'
> variables that are not in a cfqueryparam. While I have to change every
> variable not in a cfqueryparam, I'm trying to get the numerics first.

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