Hey everyone - I was wondering if anyone could suggest a "better" method of 
doing this.

Essentially I am creating a dropdown list of Shipping Prices - based on the day 
they are making the purchase. (Customer defined "Next Day Shipping" prices - 
not UPS)

It's Working - but I wonder if there is a more efficient way of doing the same 
thing... Not so many loops or cfif's...  

Thoughts? Ideas?  Thanks! - Nick

Live Example here: http://cf.bigfatdesigns.com/cart/ShipCostTest.cfm 

<!---Set The Item Price FOR DEMO--->
<cfset ThisItemPrice = "39.99">

<!--- Setup Dates For Price Structure --->
<cfset TodaysDate = "1/15/2010">

<!--- Get Shipping Fees based on Cost --->
<cfquery name="qryGetShipCosts" datasource="#Application.DSN#" 
username="#Application.username#" password="#Application.password#">
SELECT SCostID, MinItemPrice, MaxItemPrice, Standard, TwoDay, NextDay, Saturday
FROM ShipCostChart 
WHERE MinItemPrice < #ThisItemPrice#
AND MaxItemPrice > #ThisItemPrice#

Determine the FIRST possible day we can ship on
Based on What Day Of The Week TODAY is
*Set as first day of dropdown for Next Day Shipping*
<!--- IF Sunday, Ship Tuesday--->
<cfif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 1>
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Monday, Ship Wed--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 2 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Tuesday, Ship Thurs--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 3 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Wednesday, Ship Fri--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 4 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Thursday, Ship Monday--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 5 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 4, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Friday, Ship Tues--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 6 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 4, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Saturday, Ship Tues--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 7 >
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 3, TodaysDate)#>

<h1>START > TODAY > #DayOfWeekAsString(DayOfWeek(TodaysDate))#   #NewDay# </h1>
<p><em>LIST will actually be a SELECT Drop Down</em></p>
<cfloop from="1" to="30" index="i">
                <cfif #DayOfWeek(NewDay)#  NEQ 1>
            <li>#LSDateFormat(NewDay, 'mmm-dd-yyyy')# - 
                <cfloop query="qryGetShipCosts">
                <!---Next Day Delivery --->
                    <cfif i EQ 1>
                <!---Two Day Delivery --->
                    <cfelseif i EQ 2>
                        <cfif #DayOfWeek(NewDay)#  NEQ 7>    
        <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 1, NewDay)#> 


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