Instead of this:

<!--- IF Sunday, Ship Tuesday--->
<cfif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 1>
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Monday, Ship Wed--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 2 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Tuesday, Ship Thurs--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 3 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Wednesday, Ship Fri--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 4 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 2, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Thursday, Ship Monday--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 5 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 4, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Friday, Ship Tues--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 6 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 4, TodaysDate)#>
<!--- IF Saturday, Ship Tues--->
<cfelseif #DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)# EQ 7 >
       <cfset NewDay = #DateAdd("d", 3, TodaysDate)#>

How about this (assuming CF8 or higher):

<cfset shipDays = [2,2,2,2,4,4,3]>
<cfset NewDay = DateAdd("d", shipDays[DayOfWeek(TodaysDate)] , TodaysDate)>

It's a lot less decisions and probably easier to read and maintain.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2010/1/16 Eric Nicholas Sweeney <>:
> You are absolutely right Qing - a little sloppy of me in the coding. Fixed
> now. Thanks!
> As for the UDF - I am not sure that works - as I need Saturday as an
> option...
> Are there any thoughts on the cfifs and loops?  Is that the "best" way to
> handle this?  I may have to run this as a UDF several times on a  page - and
> I Was just wondering about performance.
> I am trying to learn how to make things go "faster" - or more streamlined...
> And this seems like the perfect case - but I don't know what else to do...
> - Nick

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