On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
> After reading this thread, I got interested in text and code editors again.
> It seems to happen every two years or so.  I download Topstyle 4.  It is
> very similar to Homesite + and customizable.  I think I will spend some more
> time investigating it.

A nice editor is good, but I know how awesome an IDE can be, and
that's the route for me.

Eclipse starts up plenty fast, considering I pretty much leave it
running for days or weeks at a time.

And I *love* things like Mylyn-- the tools Eclipse offers just blow
everything else out of the water, IMHO.

Data tools, XML tools (with autocomplet, etc.), Bash Script editors
(editors for just about anything you can think of, really).

Then there's the testing tools... MXUnit -- of course! -- and if
you're hard-core, TPTP for load testing and whatnot.

Plus, I'm trying to make CFEclipse much more extensible, so pulling in
dictionaries/updates for things like FarCry is easier, etc..  And I
can't wait till I've got something together for colddoc -- javadoc
works freaking *awesome* for the java stuff (you can require comments
on things, get warnings about missing parameter documentation, etc..).
-- it's all coming together, amazingly.

I understand liking an editor -- I was that way too, once -- but now I
just can't go back.

But everyone's needs are different, to a certain extent, so I don't
hate on anything.

Whatever gets you from point A to point B in a manner you're happy
with, ja know?


The Law is but words and paper without the hands of swords of men.
James Harring

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