Is the new ColdFusion instance running as a user that has permission to read
from the share?


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:55 PM, brad f <> wrote:

> Have a question in regards to setting up distributed mode. We have ran in
> distributed mode for years with CF7 and windows 2000. We are in the process
> of upgrading to CF9 and Windows 2008. The problem I am having is the we used
> to be able to have all of our code on a fileserver and point IIS to that UNC
> path and life was good. Now the only way to get Coldfusion to server CFM
> pages is to have the CFM code on both the fileserver and the CF servers as
> well. It will give an error of "file not found" if you do not.
> Now I know in the documentation it says this is the way you have to set it
> up.. but I guess my two questions are....
> 1. Why did it work before with the code only being in one place?
> 2. Why is the CFM files needed in both the file server (where IIS points
> for webcode) and on the CF boxes as well?
> Any help is appreciated.

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