> Have a question in regards to setting up distributed mode. We have ran 
> in distributed mode for years with CF7 and windows 2000. We are in the 
> process of upgrading to CF9 and Windows 2008. The problem I am having 
> is the we used to be able to have all of our code on a fileserver and 
> point IIS to that UNC path and life was good. Now the only way to get 
> Coldfusion to server CFM pages is to have the CFM code on both the 
> fileserver and the CF servers as well. It will give an error of "file 
> not found" if you do not.
> Now I know in the documentation it says this is the way you have to 
> set it up.. but I guess my two questions are....
> 1. Why did it work before with the code only being in one place?
> 2. Why is the CFM files needed in both the file server (where IIS 
> points for webcode) and on the CF boxes as well?
> Any help is appreciated

Have found the answers needed.
1. Need to have "interact with desktop" checked on the coldfusion service
2. speed reasons alone is why you would have CFM code on the app box. 

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