I'm no attorney or law professor but I would look into being PCI compliant.
I don't know if this is exactly what you need, but it definitely couldn't
hurt and it is a very high level of security. Keep in mind though, that it's
not easy. Good luck.

Paul Alkema

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Scott [mailto:jscott-li...@gravityfree.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:31 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: SQL data integrity

Hi all, not a CF-specific question but I'm hoping someone can point me in
the right direction.  We're building an application where some information
stored in our database could potentially be subpoenaed to court as evidence.
One of the issues brought up by the attorneys is the integrity of the data
stored in the database and how it could be proven in court that the data has
not been altered since it was entered into the database.  Any ideas on where
to start looking for a solution to that?  The front-end is ColdFusion with a
MS-SQL back-end.  This is a new area for me, so it's interesting, but I
don't have any points of reference to work from either.  Any insight is
appreciated.  Thanks!


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