ColdFusion has more than a decade of market exposure.  Re-branding any
product is very costly proposition.  I am not suggesting that Abode
stop spending money to market ColdFusion, merely that re-branding a
well known product is waste of money and time, and would likely lose
more customers than it would gain.  Totally pointless.

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Mary Jo Sminkey
<> wrote:

> As someone that is in software development and sales myself I can say that 
> you won't HAVE any money for development UNLESS you have sales. So you 
> absolutely need to be putting resources into both. Sure, as a developer in CF 
> I'd prefer that the bulk of resources go to development but that's just not 
> reasonable to expect that all of it would. If in a bad economy that means 
> cutting back some on development, that's understandable.
> If Adobe feels rebranding will help increase exposure and/or interest in the 
> product, then it certainly should be looked at. I'm dubious that it would 
> make much difference and can't imagine after all these years having to refer 
> to it as anything but "ColdFusion" but if it might help uptake among certain 
> markets, I can live with that.

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