...reviewed a *few* e-commerce packages... (I have 'free' on the brain :)

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Sean Corfield <seancorfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm finding this thread very interesting because I've reviewed a free
> e-commerce packages (some out of curiosity, some I've been paid to
> review) and whilst the code is almost always procedural, some are
> definitely more maintainable than others (so I suspect some of the
> difficulty expressed in this thread also comes from an inability to
> understand halfway complex code). As Mary Jo says, procedural != bad
> by definition but shopping carts tend to be fairly complex due to the
> various demands placed on them and they may well be the most complex
> part of a site, which may mean they're the most complex code a given
> developer has ever encountered. It's the same reason that many people
> find application frameworks extremely complex and hard to understand.
> Perfectly understandable and not actually a criticism of the framework
> code itself.
> I do find it a little ironic that there's an objection to paying even
> a few hundred dollars for something of value - and that folks keep
> asking for OSS (when they really mean free), yet OSS struggles in the
> CF community because developers won't donate their time for free -
> they want to be paid. So, hey, you want to be paid but you're not
> willing to pay for other developers' work? When you compare CF
> offerings to PHP offerings, remember that you're comparing against a
> culture of FOSS: LAMP is all free and open source and its developers
> tend to be much more amenable to giving work back to the community for
> free and contributing to other people's projects. Things are
> definitely improving in the CF world but we've got a long way to go
> before our collective mindset will lend itself to the rich eco-system
> of FOSS we envy in other communities...

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