A few things to try:

1)  "Close" all open projects  (right-click on a project and select
'close') and restart.  See if that makes it start fast.

2) Check the network settings.  A long wait time might mean it's
trying to do something networky, and it's waiting for a response.
Like, for the help system, it starts a little local webserver, and
maybe there's a firewall issue or something.

3) Check the log, and see what it's doing when starting up.  I think
you can even turn on more verbose logging of startup stuff, but google
will know for sure.

And, that's about all I got.

As for CFEclipse, there should be a new release at the next full moon,
I think.  Pretty soon.

If you'd like to help test the preview release, which should be
working on Helios, the "preview" update site is:


Feel free to take it for a test drive and please let us know (on the
cfeclipse mailing list, preferably, tho wherever is clever, really) if
you run into any show-stopper type stuff.

Blessed be!

Judaism boasts of no exclusive revelation of eternal truths that are
indispensable to salvation, of no revealed religion in the sense in
which that term is usually understood.
Moses Mendelssohn

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Eric Cobb wrote:
> Over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my Eclipse seems to take
> a really long time to start up.  It always hangs at the splash screen
> forever, then finally it starts loading.  Once the loading bar appears,
> it only takes about 15-20 seconds to load.  This morning I timed it and
> it stayed on the startup screen for almost 7 minutes before it started
> loading.  Once it finally opens up, I can close it an reopen it and it
> takes less than a minute.  But, that initial startup after I log in,
> reboot, etc.., always hangs at the splash screen for 4-7 minutes.
> I'm using Eclipse 3.5.2, 64 bit, on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with
> 4GB of RAM.  In an effort to fix the problem, I installed Java version
> 6, update 21. It just came out last week and is supposed to have some
> bug fixes aimed specifically at Eclipse.  That didn't help anything.  I
> also have Eclipse 3.5.2, 32 bit, on this machine and it takes just as
> long to start up.  Just to see, I set up a fresh blank install of 3.5.2,
> 64 bit, and it came up with no problems.
> I've searched the interwebs trying to find a way to tweak my eclipse.ini
> settings, and so far I haven't been able to find anything that fixes
> this.  I've even restored the eclipse.ini file back to the original and
> it's still slow.  At first I thought it may be a plugin that was causing
> this, so I uninstalled all unnecessary plugins, but that didn't fix it.
> I even made sure that my 32 bit and 64 bit didn't have the same plugins
> installed, and they don't.
> The only core features they have installed in common are:
> -Eclipse Data Tools Platform
> -Eclipse Mylyn
> -Eclipse Modeling Project
> So, I'm guess that one of these is the culprit.  I'm really not sure,
> though.  Does anyone know if there is any way to tell what's causing
> Eclipse to hang at the splash screen for so long?  Some way to get a
> behind the scenes look at what's going on?
> --
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> ECAR Technologies, LLC
> http://www.ecartech.com
> http://www.cfgears.com

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