> And don't settle for less than 8gbs of RAM. 64 bit software has
> a tendency to eat up RAM
> news to me :0) is it not that just that 64bit tech has the ability to fully
> access 4gb of ram at the one time (If the os needs access to it) rather than
> eats it up.
> Anyone care to explain this one to me? i'm about to buy a new laptop and
> would appreciate some advice

A 64-bit OS can address more than 4 GB RAM. 32-bit OSs generally can't.

To oversimplify things a bit, numeric data types in a 64-bit OS are
larger (64-bit vs 32-bit) to take advantage of the increase in
register size. So, storing the same information in a 64-bit OS takes
more memory than it does in a 32-bit OS. But, this is outweighed by
the ability to address more memory in the first place. So, for
example, on a 32-bit OS a JVM can't really address more than 1.5 GB
RAM (if even that), but on a 64-bit OS a JVM can address significantly
more RAM so it doesn't really matter that it needs more memory in the
first place.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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